Saturday, 17 July 2010

Down Beddlestead Lane and up Hesiers Hill

Here's a shot of me at the bottom of Hesiers Hill today.
Cycling alone today as Andy was out late with the Saturdays and Gwen Stefani. I think they all ended up in David's hot tub, but it meant a text from Andy some time around midnight saying he had a late one and wouldn't be going.

I decided it was too nice a day not to go and left the house around 0730. At one stage I considered Woodmansterne Green but remembered how boring the ride was and didn't bother. I headed towards Warlingham Green, weirdly expecting to see Andy, but, of course, he wasn't there. I headed on up the B269 towards Botley Hill (I found out during the week that the man who used to own the Botley Hill Farm pub, John Watkiss, sadly died. By chance I met one of the old barmaids from the Watkiss era when Anthony Robinson was the chef – he now runs a pub in Oxfordshire somewhere (or he did the last time I had contact with him).

I stopped off at the bottom of Hesiers Hill to take some photographs and then cycled along what I thought was Ledgers Road but turned out to be Beech Farm Road. I should have turned right down Washpond Lane and then I'd have found Ledgers Road, but it didn't matter.

Anyway, that's it for today's post.

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