Tuesday, 20 August 2019

Fast way to the Tatsfield Bus Stop...twice!

The weather was fine and, you know what? Not a great deal to discuss. We rode to the Tatsfield Bus Stop the fast way, twice, on Saturday and Sunday. We didn't even take any photographs. Well, alright, I took a couple of a field close to the Botley Hill pub, but they're nothing to write home about. What is there to say, in fact? Nothing much. The weather was fine, the rides were uneventful, we did what we always do: sit at the bus stop and chat, but I can't even remember what we chatted about. Andy was in a bit of hurry, he had stuff to do, hence the fast rides to the bus stop. I was up for going to Westerham and it looks like we'll go there on Saturday next week.

Today I did a short ride around 0645hrs. I didn't go far, just round the block. No more than 36 minutes on the road and a few hills here and there. It was okay, just a little work-out before showering and going to work. I might do it tomorrow, but I'm not committing myself. Not much going on generally so I'd better sign off.

Here's that really boring shot I took at Botley Hill...