Friday 24 December 2021

Christmas Eve 2021 ramblings...

Last Sunday, 19 December 2021, I rode to Westerham to meet Andy in the Costa Coffee on the green. As you all know, this is a weekly event, the highlight of the cycling week. We meet, we eat, we chat and then we say farewell, until the next week, which just so happens to be Boxing Day. Today, as I write this, it is Christmas Eve morning, 0844hrs to be precise, and I'm sitting here, drinking tea and listening to BBC Radio Three, Dawn Over the Moscow River, by Mussorgsky. I now consider myself a regular listener and the great thing about listening to classical music in the morning is this: It's so chilled out. In fact, give me BBC Radio Three, Caffe Nero and a decent book and I'd be in heaven.

Outside, the weather is dull and grey and overcast. Rain is on the agenda later today so I'd better get out there and do my six-miler, my 'round the block' special, the Nobbler, single lap. Yesterday I modified it a little bit: I rode two loops, bringing the total to something like 8.5 miles instead of the usual 5.94 miles. I don't know why I modified it; probably because I was riding earlier in the day and felt more alive. Today I'll probably stick to the usual distance as there are things to do, people to see.

The fog started to clear on Clarks Lane, Sunday 19th Dec 2021.

The ride to Westerham last Sunday was thick fog from the moment I set foot outside the house. Fortunately, I had my lights, front and rear. I was amazed to discover that the fog was everywhere, but it thinned when I was travelling along Clarks Lane. At one point the fog was below me, in the valley. Cyclists were stopping to photograph the spectacle as I sailed down the hill and into the mesmerising fog itself. Andy was sitting inside the Costa. I ordered a large English Breakfast tea (my regular order). No cake, no Billionaire's shortbread. As always, cake is always around. I can't remember now, but prior to Sunday I must have eaten some cake, normally a slice of coffee and walnut cake, possibly in a National Trust property somewhere, Polesden Lacey if I recall correctly. Either way, I refrained from eating anything at the Costa in the full knowledge that there would be plenty of occasions in the coming days. It is, after all, the festive season, Christmas time no less, and that means mince pies, chocolates, cake and, of course, Christmas Pudding. I'll be getting my fair share over the next few days and that's a fact.

During the week I continued with my regular riding. I normally miss a day, meaning I ride six days a week and have one day off, not intentionally, just circumstantial. Yesterday, for example, was Thursday 23 December. I didn't ride on Wednesday night so the plan was to ride twice, like I did last week, once in the morning and once at night. But I only managed the one ride, meaning that if I don't ride twice today, my total rides this week will be six out of seven. I'm happy with that. It's been the case ever since I started regular (almost daily) rides.

The Nobbler, single lap is good. I've mentioned before it's roller coaster qualities, the ups and downs, the fast and slow. The first big climb is when I turn left out of Barnfield and on to West Hill. I ride up hill to The Ridgeway where I turn left, then right on to Hook Hill, which I follow to the triple junction with Arkwright and Briton Hill Road. The latter is a hill, all the way to Church Way where I turn left and head towards Morley and the turn opposite Madeleine House (a new and unwelcomed block of flats). Here I double back in a sense, back on Church Way until I turn left on to Norfolk Avenue and the next hill. At the top I bear left and roll down towards a left turn on to Arundel Avenue and then it's a downhill roll towards Ridge Langley. I pick up a fair bit of speed riding down Arundel Avenue and by the time I reach the Ridge Langley turn-off I have enough speed to push me around the loop ahead, eventually emerging on Arundel Avenue again, heading uphill and turning left onto, I think, Arundel Avenue. It's very confusing, but I soon turn right on to Norfolk Avenue again and ride uphill and then down until I'm back on Church Way and then heading towards the Selsdon Road along another section of Arkwright that isn't connected to the earlier stretch. This bit is fast and punctuated by sleeping policemen and parked cars, but soon I'm on the Selsdon Road, which is downhill all the way to West Hill, arguably the most daunting uphill ride as I pass Barnfield, continue towards The Ridgeway and then ride the length of it until I reach the earlier section of Arkright Road where I turn left and head towards Church Way. I turn left, race towards Morley, turn left, then right on to Elmfield, left on to Southcote, right on to Ellenbridge, then right and then I'm home.

I'd better get moving as I've got to get out there now, in the next 10 minutes, to do the above. Whether I get a ride in tomorrow is debatable. By rights I should do, even if it's a short one, a Nobbler, single lap. I've never been on the bike on Christmas Day before but let's see if I can change that. 

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