Monday 3 May 2021

Last week was good, this week not so good...

Saturday morning was fantastic. Hardly a cloud in the sky, the sun was shining and it was warm as I headed out en route to Westerham to complete a good week of riding for yours truly. It was gone 1000hrs and I was running a little late, but the day was lazy enough to warrant a late start and I was looking forward to finishing the week. It was easily going to be around 80 miles, I thought, as I added up the week's mileage in my head. I decided that I'd ride 'the slow way' to Westerham, which means via Beddlestead Lane, and then the plan was to come back via Woldingham so I was hoping for a ride of over 23 miles and I wasn't to be disappointed. In the end it was 25.05 miles, perfect, bringing my total to over 83 miles for the week, not bad going.

Generally speaking my weekly mileage has varied, here's a look at the past six weeks:

20 March 2021 = 72.01 miles.

27 March 2021 = 43.39 miles.

3 April 2021 = 81.00 miles.

10 April 2021 = 22 miles.

17 April 2021 = 68.20 miles.

24 April 2021 = 83.15 miles.

1 May 2021 = 60.18 mles

I'm trying to keep every week above 70 miles so there's a few dud weeks, but I'm pretty happy with what I've achieved.

When I reached Westerham I went into Costa Coffee and ordered a large tea and an almond croissant and then sat on the green people watching. With the sun shining the landlord of the Grasshopper was getting the chairs and tables ready for a busy day as I contemplated nothing in particular apart from the ride home, which I never look forward to because it's all uphill.

On Sunday the weather changed. It was colder. There was a nasty cool breeze and I wished upon wish that I hadn't bothered so much about my appearance. I was going to hit the road in my thick jumper and rust-coloured, ripped jacket but my excessively long hair prompted me to wear something a little neater and the end result was that I nearly froze, it was that cold. I met Andy, who was there before me this week (normally I leave early and get there around 0845hrs, but I was running late, not because I got up late but because I had a late night and felt terribly weary as a result. I felt as if I was riding at a snail's pace and, as I said to Andy later, had it meant an 0700hrs start I probably would have aborted. I'm glad it wasn't and that I didn't (abort). We sat surrounded by the rubbish left by revellers on Saturday night and soon it was time to head home. I struggled for a while but as we approached the Botley Hill roundabout I seemed to revive. I was going to ride down the 269 but decided instead to ride through Woldingham, giving me a respectable 23 miles on Strava instead of the rather pathetic 21.93 miles that would have been my total had I riden the main road. And who wants to ride the 269? Not me. Something that really annoys me is the abuse cyclists get from motorists, normally builders in vans wearing paint-spattered tracksuit bottoms and twatty Timberland boots. "Use the fucking cycle lane!" they shout as they drive by too closely. "Fuck off you overweight, ignorant cunts," I wish I had said, but they wouldn't have heard me anyway so I mumble something under my breath and continue riding. Last week I managed three Washpond Weebles and two Westerhams and it was on the former that I received the abuse. It's got a lot to do with riding around 5pm, the rush hour, when cunty builders and other van drivers who support Boris Johnson and Brexit are rushing home to watch the One Show or Pointless or something rubbish, accompanied by a can of Stella and something unhealthy to eat. They think that because they stand up all day drinking PG Tips and taking a dump in a Portaloo in somebody's front garden that they don't need any exercise. Anyway, enough said. It was a great week of riding and now I've got to do it all again. I write this on Tuesday 27 April morning. Earlier, when I mentioned how last week I managed three Washpond Weebles, that was the week that ended (for the purpose of my cycling) on Saturday 24 April. The sun is shining but it might be cold out, who knows? It was cold, but not bad enough to stop me riding on Wednesday 28th April, yesterday, and yes, I did a Washpond Weeble. To be able to equal last week's mileage I've got to ride another two Weebles and then ride to Westerham on Saturday, let's see. Andy texted to say he wouldn't be riding on Sunday, so it looks like I'll be riding alone.

So, it's Thursday 29 April and once again the sun is shining, but it might be cold. The weather isn't as good as last year at this time but I must get out there later today.

And now it's May Day, the 1st May, the sun is shining and I will get out there, shortly. Not a brilliant week on the cycling front and today is the last day of my cycling week. In fact, my weekly total is 60.18 miles. 

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